Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Becoming A Better Me

I've been trying to better myself and work on being a better person....
Not in your eyes...my eyes...but God's eyes.

I'm one to keep it real...Majority of the time I don't care who it is or whatever the situation may be... I speak my mind about it and don't care. However, since i've started this new journey of "helping God to help me"...I've been trying to steer away from those bad thoughts, comments, things that are and could be hurtful to others. Now don't get me wrong...I have stopped completely... but I am trying...I have faith that he will deliver me from whatever he sees fit, but i also know that faith without works is dead...(James 2:20) He's not through with me yet...Besides, I just started! :)

So far its been going pretty good. I've set spiritual goals for my self and i've become more involved in the word...Gotta study and get my Jesus on...you know...

Today though I was tried... A few weeks back I was upset regarding a situation that took place regarding one of close friends. I was quite vocal about it...(bad Phoebe!) that very thing had been on me for a few days because my friend is the sweetest sweetheart you could ever know and I didn't feel that she deserved what took place. I decided to dig into some scriptures to encourage me and help me deal with that...slowly, but surely I am learning.

I've noticed that since i've been on this journey he's been showing me things and giving me the tools to deal with different situations...so how was I tried/tested today...I know you're wondering(since i've taken the long route)So...while I was taking a break....i overheard a few ppl discussing a topic that was in relation to the issue that took place with my close friend...Now the old Phoebe would've felt like they were discussing her friend and quickly call her up to tell her what took place..."being a good friend"....in the moment...God stopped that from becoming a complete thought and showed me the devil's fingerprints were all over it. 
I realized that just because their topic of discussion was in relation to my friends situation, doesn't necessarily mean that she was the target of the conversation. We can't fall for the devil's tricks...
No matter how small we may think something is...evil is behind all negativity and if we open our minds to him...he will show us things in his light.

I've heard so many times how the devil never stops working to bring gods ppl down...Do believe this is soooo true...so PLEASE watch out...and keep moving foward..I know I am because he has a plan for me...and I do plan to fulfill it!

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